Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend 2010

Yeah, I'm still around...more fun to read others' blog posts than write my own, though.

As I write this it's Sunday of the 2010 Labor Day weekend. The weather has moderated a bit so the house is open and the AC is off...for now.

I'm using vacation instead of going to work tonight.

I spent yesterday afternoon working on the yard - between the rain and the heat the last couple of weeks I haven't been able (or wanted) to mow - tough when you work nights...neighbors aren't happy with mowing at 6 AM at the same time they're unhappy about the height of the grass in our yard. Can't win.

Sitting here thinking of things I should be doing, things I need to do, and things I'd like to do, and trying to find something that overlaps all 3 categories. Might have to settle for 2 out of 3.

Time to post this and get on with the day.

Be safe...come back and see me again.

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