Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Can You Say "False Flag"?

How convenient.

A tragedy for the Ficus administration to exploit.

Amazing how that always seems to happen.

Friday, March 19, 2021


If every person who died with the slightest trace of COVID-1984: The CuomoVirus in his or her body is considered to have died of COVID, then I'm sure that anyone who dies after receiving the vaccine will be counted as dying of the vaccine, right?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Signs of Life

I have largely abandoned 'social media' so I'm not interacting with a lot of good friends that help me maintain my sanity, but at the same time I'm not having that same sanity challenged by brain-dead twits, Biden supporters, Communists, and Democrats (but I repeat myself).

I'm still around - my meditative mantra currently is "non carborundum illegitimi".

It's entirely possible, though, that I may end up being described on TV as "a quiet man who kept to himself"

I can tell people not to pee on the electric fence, but some are going to do it anyway.

I just want to be left alone, but by all means, continue to fuck around and find out for yourself.